
My neovim markdown setup in 2024

Here I list all the plugins, tips and tricks I use for taking markdown notes in neovim

My neovim markdown setup in 2024


YouTube video

IMPORTANT: 2025 version of this video

I recently created the 2025 version of my markdown setup and workflow video

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  • I create and edit my videos in an M1 mac mini, and it’s starting to stay behind in the editing side of things, tends to slow me down a bit, I’d like to upgrade the machine I use for all my videos to a mac mini with these specs:
    • Apple M4 Pro chip with 14‑core CPU, 20‑core GPU, 16-core Neural Engine
    • 24GB unified memory
    • 1TB SSD storage
    • 10 Gigabit Ethernet
  • If you want to help me reach my goal, you can donate here


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  • I use the distro, so my plugins and tips are optimized to be compatible with that the most, if using something different you might need to to a bit of tweaking, but you can grab the overall ideas and adapt them to your own config
  • I use macOS, so keep that in mind too
  • This is not a distribution, this is my personal setup, so one day I may use certain plugin, like neo-tree, and the following day I may completely disable it and instead switch to mini.files, in case you clone and pull, expect to see changes
  • My entire neovim setup is in my github repo, so you can also grab it
  • The following links will be in the YouTube video description:
    • Each one of the videos shown
    • A link to this blogpost

Pending items

  • These don’t have to be at a specific section, they can be anywhere in the file, I just leave them at the top because they break my <C-Space key

Where are all these files?

  • They’re in my dotfiles
  • Search for any keymap, for example <leader>fD in my keymaps file:
    • ~/github/dotfiles-latest/neovim/neobean/lua/config/keymaps.lua
    • And you will be able to see the code related to that keymap
  • I’m not giving you a permalink, as my dotfiles change quite often, so always check for the latest updates

Markdown tips

Better bullet points

  • You’ll see what plugin we use later on
  • When you are in a bullet point, and press enter, it automatically creates it below and respects indentation
  • If you put a colon at the end, it will indent the next bullet point:
    • Notice the indentation changed:
      • And indented again
  • If you press enter in a line that only has a bullet point, line below won’t have one

  1. Numbers are also auto increased
  2. This was added automatically

There’s much more that you can find in the github page

Spell checking (works in tmux)

  • To toggle spelling <Leader>us
  • To jump between misspelled words use [s and ]s
  • To correct a word using suggestions the default is z=
    • I created a keymap <leader>mss (markdown spelling)
    • This keymap only worked for me with nvim_feedkeys if you know why, please let me know in the comments
  • To add a word to your dictionary use zg
    • I created a keymap <leader>msg (markdown good)
  • If you added a word by mistake and want to remove it <leader>msu
  • After you correct a word, if you want to repeat that and correct it across the file use <leader>msr
    • This isn’t working for me, will look at it another day, if you know how to fix it,

I’m not sure why, but if you use the dashboard-nvim plugin and press “s” to restore the session, but you do it really fast, the autocmd doesn’t kick in and spelling will be off, so when in the dashboard wait a few seconds before pressings “s”, will take a look at this issue another day

Spell dictionary

  • The file with all the keywords I add is in my main neobean directory:
    • ~/github/dotfiles-latest/neovim/neobean/spell/en.utf-8.add
  • Something that John McBride recommends:
    • Don’t manually add words to that file, but instead add them with the mapping so that neovim recompiles the file
    • Personally, I haven’t tested how this file across machines, but time will tell

Fix undercurl in tmux

  • Special thanks to Folke for this tip
  • I use both kitty and tmux, for this to work, you need to add the following lines to your tmux.conf file
# Undercurl support (works with kitty)
# Fix found below in Folke's tokyonight theme :heart:
# After reloading the configuration, you also have to kill the tmux session for
# these changes to take effect
set -g default-terminal "${TERM}"
# undercurl support
set -as terminal-overrides ',*:Smulx=\E[4::%p1%dm'
# underscore colours - needs tmux-3.0
set -as terminal-overrides ',*:Setulc=\E[58::2::%p1%{65536}%/%d::%p1%{256}%/%{255}%&%d::%p1%{255}%&%d%;m'
  • Go and see my tmux.conf file for the latest changes
  • I changed the undercurl color and style in my neovim colorscheme settings, every time you make a change there you have to reload the tmux config, but also kill the tmux session or it won’t work

Lazyvim spell defaults

  • There’s a default Auto Command (autocmd) in Folke’s distro that is what enables spelling
  • Also the comes preconfigured with the Option opt.spelllang = { "en" } (English)

John McBride video recommendation

todo items leader+td

  • I use the todo snippet to add it
  • <leader>td (todo done)
    • Configured in my keymaps
  • <leader>ta (todo all)
  • <leader>tl (todo list)
    • Configured these keymaps in the telescope plugin

Add markdown TOC

  • <leader>mt
  • This is to create a Table Of Contents
  • It will add it at the top of the file if there’s not one, and if there is a TOC already, it will update it
  • It doesn’t matter if the file has front matter at the top or not, the keymap will detect it and not cause problems
  • To generate the TOC I use the markdown-toc plugin, and it’s installed as a LazyExtra, you’ll understand later

Delete current file

  • A lot of times, I want to remove the file I’m on without going out of neovim or without even opening my neovim file explorer
  • <leader>fD
  • This is for macOS and uses the trash app, if you’re on Linux, modify the keymap

Create or jump daily note hyper+t+r

  • I normally handle my notes as large files (kubernetes, docker, xcp-ng, etc), but there are times I don’t want to add stuff to one of those files and instead add it to my daily note
  • Useful if for example if I want to add TODO items, they’ll be in my obsidian vault and I can see which ones are pending
  • This will:
    • Create a daily note with the date-day for example 2024-06-30-Sunday inside the obsidian_main/250-daily/2024/06-Jun directory
      • If the directories do not exist it will create them
      • If the daily note doesn’t exist it will create it
    • Create a new tmux session with the note name in detached mode and start neovim with the daily note
      • If a tmux session with that name already exists, just switch to it

  • I’ll let you know how I do hyper+t+r later on

Make sure that the ~/github/dotfiles-latest/scripts/macos/mac/ script is executable

Create headings and daily note

I use this in my Obsidian vault

  • This is useful in case I want to have stuff linked to my daily note
  • I use markdown headings with date on a specific note XOA for example
  • Then in obsidian I can go to a specific note, and see which headings are linked to that note, just so that I can keep track of what did each day, some sort of journal
  • These keymaps besides adding the heading, will also create the daily note if it does not exist:
    • If you don’t want to create the daily note, comment that line
  • <leader>jj, <leader>kk, <leader>ll, <leader>;;, <leader>uu,<leader>ii

View and paste images

  • We’ll see how to set this up later

Use snippets

  • I use these in case I want to:
    • Add a code block
    • Add a link
    • Add link in new tab
    • Add a todo item

Bold easily

  • This needs the mini.surround plugin
  • By default if you want to bold some text, you select it and do 2gsa* or if you want to “unbold” it I normally do gsd*.
  • I configured keymap <leader>mb

This is just a random paragraph with random text in it, it doesn’t serve any purpose but I just want to use it to demonstrate how multi line bold and unbold works

This is just a single line of text

Jump between markdown headings

  • Follow markdown convention and use a single H1 heading in your file for this to work
  • Besides the outline plugin if I want to navigate between headings I use:
    • gj and gk

lazyvim already uses default gj and gk mappings

  • Remember that I use the distro
  • That distro already comes with some Default keymaps configured that you can find here
  • Some of these default keymaps are the better up/down ones found below:
-- better up/down
-- If there is no count (v:count == 0), pressing j will execute gj
  -- Useful when dealing with wrapped lines in the buffer.
-- If there is a count (v:count != 0), pressing j will execute j.
  -- For example, if you press 3j to move down three lines
map({ "n", "x" }, "j", "v:count == 0 ? 'gj' : 'j'", { expr = true, silent = true })
map({ "n", "x" }, "<Down>", "v:count == 0 ? 'gj' : 'j'", { expr = true, silent = true })
map({ "n", "x" }, "k", "v:count == 0 ? 'gk' : 'k'", { expr = true, silent = true })
map({ "n", "x" }, "<Up>", "v:count == 0 ? 'gk' : 'k'", { expr = true, silent = true })
  • So by default my neovim “sends” gj when I press j and I can navigate through wrapped lines easily
  • You might think that gj and gk mappings I added would break the default keymaps, but for some reason it still keeps working
    • So with j and k I navigate through wrapped lines without issues

Fold all level 2 or 3 headings

  • I created 4 keymaps to fold:
    • <leader>mfj (markdown fold 1)
    • <leader>mfk (markdown fold 2)
      • I know, it looks like madafaka, but it’s just the 2nd letter
    • <leader>mfl (markdown fold 3)
    • <leader>mf; (markdown fold 4)
  • And to unfold:
    • <leader>mfu (markdown fold undo)
  • See the Folding section in the keymaps file

DO NOT leave headings OF THE SAME LEVEL without any text between them or folding will not work properly

Folding basics

  • There are several fold options worth knowing about
  • opt.foldlevel = 99
    • (default LazyVim)
    • Sets the initial fold level when opening a file.
    • With a high value like 99, it ensures that almost all folds are open when a file is opened.
  • opt.foldmethod = "expr"
    • (default LazyVim 0.10)
    • Sets the method for defining folds
    • Uses the expression defined in foldexpr to create folds. This method allows for highly customizable folding behavior based on the evaluated expression.
  • opt.foldexpr = "v:lua.require'lazyvim.util'.ui.foldexpr()"
    • (default LazyVim 0.10)
    • Specifies the expression used to define folds
    • Uses a lazyvim Lua function to dynamically determine fold levels
  • opt.foldtext = ""
    • (default LazyVim 0.10)
    • Defines the text displayed for a closed fold
    • An empty string means foldtext is disabled, and the line is displayed normally with highlighting and no line wrapping.
:set foldlevel? | set foldexpr? | set foldmethod? | set foldtext?

:set foldlevel?
:set foldmethod?
:set foldexpr?
:set foldtext?

Andrew Courter video recommendation

Fold with enter

  • Normally you fold with za but I changed it to use enter <CR>

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Accept completion with ctrl+y instead of enter

  • I really hated this behaviour, maybe skill issue, but every time I was at the end of a line and hit enter, it would autocomplete a word instead of moving to the line below
  • I change this in the nvim-cmp.lua file

Working with marks

  • Leave a mark somewhere you need to come back to
  • While in normal mode, press m and then a letter a-z will create a mark
    • Lowercase letters (a to z) are for marks local to the current buffer
    • Uppercase letters (A to Z) create global marks that can be jumped to from any buffer
  • To jump to a mark
    • 'a - (single quote) jump to the line of the mark in the first character
    • `a - (backtick), jumps to character in which mark was set originally
  • To see all the marks use :marks
  • :delmarks a would remove the mark a
  • :delmarks a j k l m z n removes all the marks specified
  • I created a keymap to delete all marks
    • <leader>md (mark delete)
  • Regular link <leader>mll (markdown link)
    • Link to
  • Link that opens in new tab <leader>mlt (markdown link tab)
    • Link that opens in new tab
  • I use this quite a lot, so decided to create a keymap
  • <C-g> (github, and since you run it with ctrl, can run it in insert mode)
  • Make sure you have the main github repo link in your clipboard first
  • folke/noice.nvim
  • linkarzu/dotfiles-latest

Increase decrease all markdown headings

  • I have several old .md documents that do not follow markdown guidelines
  • Some have more than one H1 heading, so I want to add one more # to each heading
  • <leader>mhI and <leader>mhD
    • These 2 don’t ask for confirmation and just increase all the headings

Line wrapping at 80 characters

  • I don’t like my lines to be longer than 80 characters, helps me with readability and overall consistency of my files.
  • If I open an obsidian markdown file in neovim, line lengths are all over the place, so I prefer to follow the markdown guidelines.
  • To achieve this I do 2 things:

textwidth = 80

  • Set the option vim.opt.textwidth = 80 in lua/config/options.lua
    • When text reaches this limit, it automatically wraps to the next line.
    • This will automatically switch to the line below as you are typing and reach the 80 characters
    • This will NOT auto wrap:
      • Existing lines in a document after you enable the option
      • Long lines that you paste into a file

ProseWrap and .prettierrc.yaml

  • This requires the prettier plugin, we’ll install it later
  • Configure the proseWrap: "always" option in the .prettierrc.yaml file
    • This will autoformat existing lines over 80 characters and also long lines that you paste that exceed the 80 characters
    • You will see how to enable prettier in the LazyExtras section

  • I add the ~/github/dotfiles-latest/.prettierrc.yaml file, to my $HOME directory
  • I keep the file in my dotfiles and create a symlink in my home directory that points to the .prettierrc.yaml file

  • Source for the text below
  • The configuration file will be resolved starting from the location of the file being formatted, and searching up the file tree until a config file is (or isn’t) found.
  • Prettier intentionally doesn’t support any kind of global configuration. This is to make sure that when a project is copied to another computer, Prettier’s behavior stays the same. Otherwise, Prettier wouldn’t be able to guarantee that everybody in a team gets the same consistent results.

Disable autoformatting in certain sections

  • Prettier is enabled and will autoformat your file, but there are some times that you don’t need prettier to autoformat, example below:
    • Notice that I’m also disabling markdownlint
    • I have a keymap to add this snippet

This is a message that renders correctly in the page because it’s not autoformatted

Add file path to current file

  • A lot of times I need the path of the current file to be added to the file itself as a comment
  • This does not only work for markdown, but for any file type
  • This uses gcc in the background, which is handled by the echasnovski/mini.comment
    • So make sure that plugin is installed, comes with distro by default
  • <C-z>
  • Insert filename with path

Copy current file path to clipboard

  • To copy the file path to the clipboard use <leader>fp
  • If for example you’re setting up a keymap, or you want to understand what the commands on an existing keymap do, or basically, any command in neovim, use the help
  • <leader>sh
  • Then search for something pwd and navigate around “tags” with shift+k
  • To go back to where you were after navigating to a tag, use Ctrl-o
  • Close that pane with <leader>wd (window delete)

See key maps

  • <leader>sk

Paste with “p” in visual mode

  • This is not markdown specific, but overall neovim specific
  • DON’T use cmd+v (macOS) to paste
  • Paste with p (lowercase) or P (uppercase)
Laborum aute consectetur sit reprehenderit.
Laborum aute consectetur sit reprehenderit.

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Duis consectetur laborum deserunt.

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Minim tempor ullamco do eu pariatur minim.

Select text in a bullet point

  • Press ctrl+space
    • Keep pressing it to keep selecting
    • To go back use backspace
  • Adding 2nd bullet point just for testing

  • This breaks if you have a markdown comment below in the file, it will jump there, not sure why
    • If you know why this is, let me know down in the comments

Don’t indent with tab

  • Don’t try this, because if you use snippets, this will interfere with them and you won’t be able to jump to the next field using tab
  • If you use tab for something else, you’ll lose it
  • To indent use defaults:
    • In insert mode use <C-T> and <C-D>
    • In normal mode >> and <<

Open current file in finder

  • <leader>fO (uppercase O as in “Oscar”)
  • This is for macOS, not sure if works on Linux, but modify it

Alternate file

How do I do the hyper+t+r and hyper+t+j

See messages history

  • This comes by default with lazyvim, but you will forget
  • These are the messages that show up with folke/noice.nvim
  • You’ll see the pop-up, but a lot of times you will want to see them again
  • There’s a default lazyvim keymap <leader>snh (search noice history)
    • Close the window that shows below with <leader>wd (window delete)
  • Or use the command :NoiceHistory

Dismiss all messages

  • If you open neovim on an old outdated machine, you will get hundreds of noice messages on the screen, sometimes occupying the entire screen and you won’t be able to read
  • Clear them all with <leader>snd (search noice dismiss)
:lua local messages = {"System update available. System update available. System update available.","Backup completed successfully. Backup completed successfully. Backup completed successfully.","New email received. New email received. New email received.","Reminder: Meeting at 3 PM. Reminder: Meeting at 3 PM. Reminder: Meeting at 3 PM.","Low disk space on drive C:. Low disk space on drive C:. Low disk space on drive C:.","Software update installed. Software update installed. Software update installed.","Battery level critical. Battery level critical. Battery level critical.","File download completed. File download completed. File download completed.","New message from John. New message from John. New message from John.","Security scan completed. Security scan completed. Security scan completed.","Application crash detected. Application crash detected. Application crash detected.","Printer is out of paper. Printer is out of paper. Printer is out of paper.","Wi-Fi connection lost. Wi-Fi connection lost. Wi-Fi connection lost.","New friend request received. New friend request received. New friend request received.","Weather alert: Heavy rain expected. Weather alert: Heavy rain expected. Weather alert: Heavy rain expected.","VPN connection established. VPN connection established. VPN connection established.","System reboot required. System reboot required. System reboot required.","Bluetooth device connected. Bluetooth device connected. Bluetooth device connected.","Scheduled maintenance at midnight. Scheduled maintenance at midnight. Scheduled maintenance at midnight.","Password change reminder. Password change reminder. Password change reminder."} for _, message in ipairs(messages) do vim.api.nvim_echo(, false, {}) end

What plugins and tips do you use?

  • Let me know down below, there’s also cool recommendations that can help me improve my setup

What do you want to see next?

  • Video in which I go over the colorscheme I use in neovim, SketchyBar, kitty, tmux, markdown headings, etc

Markdown plugins

  • These are sorted by my personal preference, most preferred ones at the top
  • Star the repos below if you like the plugins



  • echasnovski/
  • This is a beauty, it comes installed with by default, I think Folke disabled it once, and I almost died, so in case the following stop working, you know this is the plugin
  • viq or vaq select inside or around quotes
    • Text inside backticks
    • “Text inside double quotes”
    • ‘Text inside single quotes’
  • vig select entire file
  • vio or vao
    • I select text inside code blocks A LOT, and I mean A LOT
    • So this is definitely one of my personal favorites
  • vi or va to see what other options are useful for you
#!/usr/bin/env bash

# Filename: ~/github/scripts/macos/mac/

# Get current date components
current_year=$(date +"%Y")
current_month_num=$(date +"%m")
current_month_abbr=$(date +"%b")
current_day=$(date +"%d")
current_weekday=$(date +"%A")

# Construct the directory structure and filename
# Use note name as the session name





  • nvim-pack/nvim-spectre
  • Find and replace text <leader>sr
  • I normally do <leader>uw to wrap when in the plugin
  • I changed the highlight colors in eldritch.lua because I could barely see the default ones


  • okuuva/auto-save.nvim
  • This is a really controversial plugin, some people love autosave, some other ones hate it
  • Personally I like autosaving, this plugin will auto save for you when you exit insert mode
    • Also if you focus another app or you leave the buffer, even if you’re on insert mode, it will autosave
  • I have a video about this plugin, you can find it here


  • iamcco/markdown-preview.nvim
  • This already comes installed with by default, I just changed the mapping to open it with <leader>mp (markdown preview)
  • I really love to use it if I need to print a markdown file as PDF, looks quite nice and you can toggle dark light mode
  • If studying, your teachers will think to themselves, how did this guy print this PDF so beautifully?
    • Just careful with code blocks when converting to PDF


  • echasnovski/mini.surround
  • Add a surrounding
    • If I want to surround a part of the text
    • I select it in visual mode, then press gsa"
      • I normally use “, `, ‘, (, [, {
  • Replace a surrounding
    • Let’s say I have this “surrounded text”
    • And I want to change it with ‘surrounded text’
    • Place the cursor anywhere inside the “ “
    • Then press gsr"'
      • goto, surround, replace, current surrounding, new surrounding
  • Remove a surround
    • If we have ‘this surrounded text’
      • Place cursor anywhere inside the surrounding and remove it with gsd'


  • 3rd/image.nvim
  • View images in neovim
  • I use this plugin with the one below HakonHarnes/img-clip.nvim


  • HakonHarnes/img-clip.nvim
  • Paste images in neovim and save them in different formats, I prefer .avif or .webp as their size is way smaller compared to .png when dealing with images with transparent backgrounds
  • I use this plugin always with 3rd/image.nvim


  • jlanzarotta/bufexplorer
  • Allows me to easily close buffers I don’t need with d
    • Sort ordering MRU (Most Recently Used) by default
  • Navigation with this plugin and tmux sessions with hyper+b s is basically the same, can navigate using j and k in both tools
  • By default, in lazyvim with <S-h> and <S-l> you navigate between the prev and next buffers, but I changed both of those to open BufExplorer instead
  • You can also use telescope <leader>fb but I’m used to BufExplorer


  • nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim
  • This doesn’t even need a mention, I use it to find files and grep for text
  • I just swap ff and fF because I like finding files at the root directory with ff


  • nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter
  • I want the code blocks in my markdown files to have proper syntax highlighting
  • If one of your languages doesn’t show up properly, add it to treesitter, I statically configure it in the plugin file treesitter.lua
  • Use :checkhealth to see which ones are installed
SELECT id, name
FROM users
WHERE age > 18
ORDER BY name;
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    fmt.Println("Hello, Go!")
echo "Hello, Bash!"
for i in {1..5}; do
    echo "Number $i"
version: "3"
    image: nginx
      - "80:80"
  "name": "John Doe",
  "age": 30,
  "city": "New York"
#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::cout << "Hello, C++!" << std::endl;
    return 0;
John Doe,30,New York
Jane Smith,25,Los Angeles
Mike Johnson,40,Chicago
public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello, Java!");
function greet() {
  console.log("Hello, JavaScript!");
def greet():
    print("Hello, Python!")

FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y nginx
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]
<!doctype html>
    <title>Hello, HTML!</title>
    <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
body {
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
  background-color: #f0f0f0;
  color: #333;


  • You can manage these in the lua/config/lazy.lua file or with :LazyExtras
    • I’m not sure if you can also manage them in the lazyvim.json file as well
  • I prefer to configure the extras in the lazy.lua file, because I want to have the settings on each machine, but if that’s not your case, you can enable the extras on each machine with :LazyExtras


  • This includes:
  •  headlines.nvim  markdown-preview.nvim  mason.nvim  nvim-lspconfig  conform.nvim  none-ls.nvim  nvim-lint
  • If you go to the website in the extras -> lang -> markdown section (notice it matches the Extra’s name)
    • You’ll be able to see which plugins Mason will install
      • Mason is a package manager for Neovim
    • In this case it will install markdownlint-cli2 and markdown-toc, it also installs marksman but not sure why it’s not shown on the page
  • DavidAnson/markdownlint-cli2
  • This is the plugin that shows me markdown warnings when the line length is exceeded, I have a duplicate or invalid heading, etc
  • I love it, helps me follow markdown “best practices”

  • To modify the warning settings, copy the following file ~/github/dotfiles-latest/.markdownlint.yaml
  • To each dir in which you want the settings to be applied, for example, I copied it to my github/obsidian_main and github/ dir.
  • Copy it to the working directory, you can see it with :pwd

  • If, you need to change markdownlint settings INSIDE a specific file, add this heading as an example
    • For example, I had a file in which I configured prettier’s print width to 100 instead of 80, so I added this so that the markdownlint stopped showing me errors
<!-- markdownlint-configure-file { "MD013": { "line_length": 100 } } -->

<!-- markdownlint-disable -->
<!-- markdownlint-restore -->

  • See all the warnings with <leader>xx
  • Navigate between warnings with [d or ]d (prev or next diagnostic)
  • artempyanykh/marksman
  • Using LSP protocol it provides completion, goto definition, find references, rename refactoring, diagnostics, and more. In addition to regular Markdown, it also supports wiki-link-style references that enable Zettelkasten-like, note taking
  • Go to the obsidian XOA file under Create Windows 11 VM
    • K (uppercase k) over a link allow me to hover
      • KK (press it twice) and you can navigate that file in the hover menu
    • gd (go to definition) allows me to go the file that a link points to


  • This includes:
    •  mason.nvim  conform.nvim  none-ls.nvim
  • If you go to the website in the extras -> formatting -> prettier section (notice it matches the Extra’s name)
    • You’ll be able to see which plugins Mason will install, which is only prettier

  • Prettier is the one that automatically formats my markdown files
    • It removes extra blank lines
    • Removes blank spaces at the end of a line
    • But also messes up my chirpy tips because it format things
      • You can ignore some parts from formatting, will show you how below
  • I like following markdown guidelines, so I don’t like my lines to be longer than 80 characters, I like to enable wrapping for them

epwalsh/obsidian.nvim (uninstalled)

  • epwalsh/obsidian.nvim
  • I used this plugin for a few days, but uninstalled as I didn’t find much use for my personal workflow
  • Before this I used marksman so if I press gd by default it takes me to the file I need
  • Please let me know in the comments what use case you find with this plugin
  • P.D I like to keep my conceallevel = 0
    • If set to 0 it shows all the symbols in a file, like bullet points and code block languages, obsidian.nvim works better with 1 or 2

Improve the video next year

  • As the “viejas” say in my country “If God gives me license” I’ll make a follow up video next year with the things that changed between now and then


0:00 - Bullet points
0:57 - Spell checking
4:12 - Where are the files?
4:51 - todo items
6:34 - add TOC
7:49 - Delete current file
8:27 - Daily note with hyper+t+r
9:38 - Add headings and daily note
11:11 - View and paste images
12:00 - Snippets
13:11 - Bold
14:33 - Jump markdown headings
15:33 - Fold all headings
17:09 - Fold with enter
17:23 - If you want to support me, I appreciate it
18:50 - Completion with ctrl+y
19:24 - Marks
20:13 - Make selected text a link
20:44 - Paste github repo link
21:06 - Increase or decrease headings
21:45 - Line wrapping
23:33 - Disable autoformatting in sections
24:23 - Add file path to file
24:42 - Copy file path to clipboard
25:07 - Navigate the help pages
25:57 - Search key maps
26:20 - Paste with p
26:56 - Select text in a bulletpoint
27:40 - Dont indent with tab
28:24 - Open current file in finder
28:35 - Alternate file
29:26 - How do I hyper+t+r
30:15 - See messages history
30:37 - Dismiss all messages
31:03 - Share your plugins
31:28 - Plugins section
31:57 - bullets.vim
32:10 -
33:24 - stay-centered.nvim
33:50 - outline.nvim
34:15 - headlines.nvim
34:45 - nvim-spectre
36:01 - auto-save.nvim
36:35 - markdown-preview.nvim
37:01 - mini.surround
38:19 - image.nvim and img-clip.nvim
38:47 - BufExplorer
40:10 - Telescope.nvim
40:50 - nvim-treesitter
41:19 - LazyExtras
43:14 - markdownlint-cli2
45:40 - marksman
46:41 - prettier
47:46 - obsidian.nvim
48:23 - see you next year
48:44 - outro
29:23 - RECOMMENDATION alternate file
29:36 - RECOMMENDATION tmux-sessionizer
29:48 - RECOMMENDATION BetterTouchTool
34:11 - RECOMMENDATION outline.nvim
36:30 - RECOMMENDATION auto-save.nvim
38:44 - RECOMMENDATION view paste images neovim

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